I was born in the 1950's just as technology had reared its head and life was so different than today but now all that was in my head as imaginary has come to pass ! men have been to the moon no longer was lost in space such or the novel first men on the moon just an idea .... how things have changed since 1952 and what would life be like for us if we had to return to that time ?????
Living on the Edge of something wonderful !
Published on November 2, 2008 By maralyn1952 In Living in Cyberspace

 Well just from telling you that little bit about me and how things used to be it prompts me to asking for any of you that may just fall on this blog to ask yourselves how you think you would manage without our technology? it is a scary thought you know , you may not think it is as we now all take our computers for granted less you are the same age group as me that is but try to imagine how we all would manage with a phone that had to be attached to a wire on the wall or the desk.... no choices and you know just to even have a phone was amazing those days. Do you remember the first Mobile Phones how heavy and cumbersome they were? and to have a computer that had more than 10meg memory was really something

i would be very interested to hear any persons comments on how they imagine we managed or indeed if they think they could manage without all our new innovations it should be fun if you put your minds to it you know think of all that you take for granted ( same as me ) as maybe i am coming up for 60 but i love all the technology I taught myself to use the computer and took my microsoft exams in order to earn a living using the computer as a web services company helping many new companies to literally set themselves up in business using the very same innovations available to us today

Even the software has come on so fast when i started it was with a ZX Spectrum as many of you will remember well when we programmed the games into the machine , saved them to a tape and then hoped that the electricity meter did not run out before you had completed your program      my heart was literally broken more than once when I was almost complete in the program and to have the meter run out and have to start all over again !

When you work now with Windows XP or even Vista you would many of you find it hard to imagine just putting in a cd and the program working ... how would you like to have put in 12 floppy discs just to get a copy of windows 3.1 and that was something else let me tell you for those of you that never done that! each disc carefully numbered and remember before we got to that to load the computer up after formatting our small disc drive and ensuring there was enough space we had to load our DOS ( the latest version naturally ) must not be without the latest version !!!

Did you ever think how difficult it was to create a web site those first days ? we did not have any of the wonderous software available to us now like Webstyle , Dreamweaver nor could we make our desktops look so fantastic and customised what a wonderful time this is and you know I wish i was born 30 years later so as I could see some conculsion as to what NEXT people like Stardock and Impulse are going to have to offer us ......... it will be an intersting time i think eh?

Anyway please add your comments I am interested to hear how the technological advances have made your life better or worse and if you feel you can mange without your microwave - computers - new phones - ,mobiles thanks for reading


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on Nov 07, 2008

I just love how on Futurama whenever they go to the printer, it's a dot matix!!


I had one of those too....yeesh...

Does anyone remember the computer Atari put out? Had those really neat little cassetts you had to put in instead of floppies, took oy an entire desk top. Yeah, had one of those too. What were we thinking back then?

on Nov 07, 2008

we never did the atari at my house, first we had the had TRS 80, and then we had a few years later a comadorre 64, and 128, but my dad knew the Amiga would never take off so we never got one...

on Nov 09, 2008

My first was a ZX Spectrum, used to play a game called Manic Miner for days... of course that was after hours of typing all the code in to make it play.

Probably my fav game ever.

on Nov 09, 2008

I was 14 when I got my Atari 800 with 16K memory and cassette player as a storage device.  It got me hooked on tech!

on Nov 10, 2008

I know for a fact that windows 3.1 only had 5 disks...I remember... lol... what killed me the '95 upgrade with 25 disks... omg...

What CDs were made for.

on Nov 10, 2008

OS/2.  The best OS ever.

on Nov 10, 2008

OS/2.  The best OS ever.

They always kill off the good ones, don't they?


on Nov 11, 2008

Couldn't have been that good, after all it was only half of the operating system

on Nov 21, 2008

I have my sinclair zx80 / 81  and cassete tapes

on Nov 26, 2008

Windows 3.1. I had an animated bootscreen that was at least 256 colors, might have been thousands, can't remember. There was a program that made themes and it could do pretty much what XP comes with, but not some of the things we have now with Object Desktop, like the weird window shapes. I downloaded hundreds of themes for it from Tucows, a few I still miss. I wish I remembered the name of that free theme program, but it broke later. I remember having a big animated .gif as a desktop also. XP was actually a GUI step back for some of us. Windowblinds (which was already around awhile) fixed most of that, of course, but Bootskin couldn't do what that free Win 3.1 program did until recently, under Vista. That isn't Stardock's fault. Microsoft created all kinds of obstacles. Vista I gather has been another huge headache.


on Nov 26, 2008

OS/2.  The best OS ever.

Oh, yes. Remember the old days?

I was an OS/2 and Internet user in 1994. (Windows didn't come with a Web browser back then and downloading one was impossible without Internet software.)

For a long time I was reading Usenet before I started posting. I remember hating IBM NewsReader/2 because it was an online newsreader and had a habit of abandoning articles when there was a problem posting them. Many an article I wrote vanished when NR/2 ran into connectivity problems while trying to post it. (You would assume that NR/2 would save articles until they are posted, but then you don't know IBM well.)

Then I worked around the problem by installing my own news server (Changi, as I recall it also ran on Windows NT). That had the added advantage that I could now access my newsgroups offline from other computers in the house.

I would have loved to move from x86 to PowerPC with OS/2 in 1996, but IBM never managed to make the transition. So I moved from x86 to PowerPC with Linux in 1998 (and back to Intel with Mac OS X in 2007).

It was good times.


on Nov 26, 2008

If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

SD excluded. I never had a real problem with ODNT nor WinStep Extreme.

on Nov 26, 2008

I still have OS2 on install floppies...in the box.....likewise with 3.11 and Dos 6.22, 4.0 and 3.

First machine I 'played with' was around '69 ...I hate punch cards....first 'PC' was a CBM64....then an XT clone....then a REAL XT [should'a kept that one, darn it] ...next 'real' PC was a P100 with 8meg of ram....cost a shitload more than my current P4 3.0 with 2gig....but that's life, innit....

on Nov 30, 2008

I once had a small handheld computer that was cordless,light weight,fit in my pocket,used no batteries,was environmentally friendly,easy to use and was very inexpensive.It was.....wait for it........a pencil!

on Dec 01, 2008

How is a pencil "environmentally friendly" when it's made out of wood and graphite? 

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